When customers need something from a company, typically they get directed to a particular department trained to appropriately handle their concerns. If you have been a customer who had been directed from one department to another just to find the solution to your little query, the process can be rather infuriating apart from time-wasting. Most expect all employees of a certain company to have that level of knowledge regarding basic matters that when you phone in an inquiry, the first person you get to, can immediately provide you the answer that you need. These days, however, it's hard to understand if businesses are just intent on making their customer service as complicated as possible or if there's a technological protocol behind that needs to be upheld. Anyhow, having to go through this web of processes is usually annoying for customers... and this is only for phoned-in inquiries.
Most people have experienced being treated badly by certain business establishments. There are times when sales attendants are so discriminating they actually end up getting sued by customers. While there are those, on the other hand, who just really have the wrong attitude that they turn away potential buyers. If you're a business owner, not only will you lose sales with such kind of customer service but you also create a bad name for your brand, which may create even bigger losses.
Keeping operations customer-centric is always the foundation of the most profitable business ventures. Just look at the long-operating family convenience stores in small towns; bigger and flashier stores pop up but these small stores maintain most of their customers. People always gravitate towards business establishments that they feel a strong connection to and they know are really after providing them the best service possible. The often personal approach is something customers crave because it shows that the business is truly interested in what they want and need, which, needless to say makes them feel very important.
Nowadays, more and more businesses are generating more income partly because of their impressive brand of customer service. High-end shops do not only make sure that their customers get what they need from the store but they also go the extra distance to make the shopping experience more enjoyable and luxurious. They offer free beverages like tea or champagne, and they even just provide the customers a catalogue of in-store items to select from, which the attendants promptly bring out upon request.
Good customer service does not need to be extravagant though; business experts reveal that sticking to the very essence of the word service is all it truly takes. Making sure that the resources are present to meet the needs of the customers and they are dealt with in an honest and pleasant manner will always create a strong impact on them. So if you want to create the most profitable business, specialize in customer service.